Mrs H - Dorchester
This Victorian town house had an informal and overgrown front garden with a pond and established gunnera. The road was partially screened by a few shrubs and some bamboo hedging, however, the bamboo had spread into much of the lawn and the surface of the path was cracked in many places.
The Brief:
Remove all the lawn and create a formal garden with symmetry and low maintenance planting. Use evergreen shrubs with little or no perennials.
The garden now has a sense of arrival when approaching the front door and there is an inviting bench centred on the house wall, from which to view it. The planting is very low maintenance and included some of the client’s own box topiary. Additional plants included pittosporums, euonymus, pinus mugo mops, hebe, libertia, viburnum lollipops and white agapanthus.
Before We Started…
The stone retaining wall along the path was collapsing, the surface of the path had been repaired many times and the gunnera was dominating much of the garden.
As Things Progressed…
Strong symmetrical circles and half moon shapes were constructed and edged with stone setts. The retaining wall was completely dismantled and rebuilt using some of the client’s own stone which had been in her previous garden.